Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011
Is male to show time since January 20
Is male to show time since January 20, 2011 to January 28, 2011.Draw up to promote to the above comrade what opinion, please by January 28, 2011, letter call to province Wei organization the department report reflection in the center.
Report a telephone:0791-12380
Report a
Contact an address:Southern Yu chapter road in Chang City in Jiangxi province 72 Wei organization departments in number province report center
Postal service coding:330006
Is medium total Wei organization department in Jiangxi province
January 20, 2011
(Responsibility editor:news4)
It is new four soldiers"will two" to match a shadow before the father generation bronze statue.Is left since:Deng Huai livings, Chen Xiao Lu, Liu Yuan, Zhang Guang Dong, depend on small Peng.Wang Asian Zhang Yong Feng shoots
Draw up southern medical college party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary
Liao the laurel orchid, the female, living in November, 1955 and win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, the incumbent Gan Ji Wei in state City vice- secretary, city inspects bureau chief Ju and draw up southern normal school party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary;
Zhang Yu livings, male, living in November, 1958, win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, incumbent southern Wei secretary in the Kang City, draw up southern medical college party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary;
River soon the English, the female, living in April, 1955 and win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, incumbent top Wei organization department vice minister in Rao City, old staff is bureau chief Ju, draw up to allow party Wei member of committee in Rao normal school and Ji Wei secretary.
Chiu small cloud
Zheng De just, male, living in June, 1964, win a total party member, educational background, incumbent income programming in place Department of Taxation in the province and Department of Financial Analysis department chief of incumbency university, draw up to allow to save a property to take charge of business enterprise supervisor meeting chairman;(pair hall class)
Yang Jian Lin, the male, livings in November, 1960 and wins a total party member, incumbency graduate student educational background, incumbent geology engineering(group) company(set up a work brigade) in province party Wei secretary, often work a vice president(positive place class), draw up finance and economics university party Wei in Jiangxi member of committee and Ji Wei secretary;
Chiu small cloud, the male, living in January, 1965 and win a total party member, the graduate student educational background of the Wei party school is incumbency in the province, incumbent Gan southern director is assistant in the normal school and party Wei office, director director in the office, draw up southern normal school party Wei member of committee of a Gan, pair director;(try out to expect for a year)
Living in August
Zhang Fu celebrates, male, living in December, 1967, win a total party member, incumbency graduate student educational background, the incumbent province engineering consults a director(positive place class) from pair in center and draws up to allow to save engineering to consult director in the center;(pair hall class)
Wu Jing Zi You Xi frequently, male, living in August, 1953, win a total party member, incumbency university educational background, the incumbent province checks industrial geology bureau chief Ju is assistant and draws up to allow province to check an industrial pair tour member in geology bureau;
Thanking is quick, male, living in October, 1962, win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, incumbent save a property to take charge of a business enterprise of supervisor will positive place class full-time supervisor and first director in the office, draw up to allow to save a property to take charge of business enterprise supervisor a meeting a chairman;(pair hall class)
Living in April
Beam necessarily Kang, male, living in January, 1959, win a total party member, incumbency university educational background, the incumbent transportation hall programming in province grows in everywhere and draws up to allow to save the bureau chief of the administration from conveyance in highway;
Is strict to grant, male, living in November, 1972, win a total party member, university educational background, incumbent transportation hall party Wei in province director in the office, keep belonging to organization party Wei full-time pair secretary, draw up to allow to save the harbor sail administration party Wei secretary;
Cao green cloud, male, living in April, 1959, win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, the incumbent province statisticses national economy in the bureau to synthesize a statistics to grow in everywhere and draws up to allow province to statistics president Ju to account teacher;(try out to expect for a year)
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