Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011

Draw up southern medical college party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary

Liao the laurel orchid, the female, living in November, 1955 and win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, the incumbent Gan Ji Wei in state City vice- secretary, city inspects bureau chief Ju and draw up southern normal school party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary;
Zhang Yu livings, male, living in November, 1958, win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, incumbent southern Wei secretary in the Kang City, draw up southern medical college party Wei member of committee of a Gan and Ji Wei secretary;
River soon the English, the female, living in April, 1955 and win a total party member, central party school is incumbency university educational background, incumbent top Wei organization department vice minister in Rao City, old staff is bureau chief Ju, draw up to allow party Wei member of committee in Rao normal school and Ji Wei secretary.

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