Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011

Is male to show time since January 20

Is male to show time since January 20, 2011 to January 28, 2011.Draw up to promote to the above comrade what opinion, please by January 28, 2011, letter call to province Wei organization the department report reflection in the center.
Report a telephone:0791-12380
Report a
Contact an address:Southern Yu chapter road in Chang City in Jiangxi province 72 Wei organization departments in number province report center
Postal service coding:330006
Is medium total Wei organization department in Jiangxi province
January 20, 2011
(Responsibility editor:news4)
It is new four soldiers"will two" to match a shadow before the father generation bronze statue.Is left since:Deng Huai livings, Chen Xiao Lu, Liu Yuan, Zhang Guang Dong, depend on small Peng.Wang Asian Zhang Yong Feng shoots

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